Tag Archives: Walpack

Interview of Transgender New Jersey Poet/Teacher Kerri Nicole McCaffrey


Kerri Nicole McCaffrey Releasing Walpack and Such Poetry!

Scroll Down For Phil Garber’s Amazingly Well Written Piece! (link)


final walpack and such cover  IMG_20140923_154828_514IMG_20140923_154848_758

Captions– above:  1.  Cover of poet Kerri Nicole McCaffrey’s new Walpack Poetry book (photo by Umesh Bhatt).  2. The schoolhouse in Walpack Center, NJ.  3.  The historical sign in Walpack Center, NJ.  4. Below, Poet Kerri Nicole McCaffrey poses in the Walpack one room schoolhouse.

Here it is!  Just click below for Observer Tribune Piece!

NJ Hills Article by Phil Garber on Kerri Nicole McCaffrey

Click the above link (green) for an excellent article Phil Garber did on my upcoming poetry book, Walpack and Such–Poetry.  Enjoy.  I added some pics, too. One is of me in the Walpack One-Room Schoolhouse!

Kerri in Walpack Schoolhouse

Kerri in the one room schoolhouse she writes about!