Tag Archives: New Jersey Poet

One poem from my upcoming, Walpack and Such–Poetry

Front Only Walpack and such


“After All the Harvesting”

By Kerri Nicole McCaffrey (c) 2015

Inspired by Gerard Manley Hopkins


When even time can be tasted

and perhaps filled fanciful,

but lo, I am tired

having collected apples


dragged the walnuts back

by the black sack full

and the fire

crackles in all its hickory

dickory pop and spark

yellow flamed and orange dock

ah, lull—

and the homely hens

out by the dangerous

hawk-hiding and owl-eyed fen

are to their roost finally settled

and the implements

placed away

under the dimpled wild mint

scent and dappled

moonlight rising

light, then—

Lord, give me nothing


to do—

But look at the easy indigo

balm and healing

geese and swan

cool sort of Octoberesque

sight and breeze

snort and breath

out there in the meadow

neigh and night

moon off silky back and light

as tune of lyre

they rest—

amid fairest breeze and

ah! such sacred willow.

Lord, give me nothing

much to do

except contemplate

feather, reflect Father

clear eyes

fiery west—




Pic Kerri Nicole McCaffrey

Kerri Nicole McCaffrey

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